Pedro Pais

I'm a PhD student focusing on Game Inclusivity and Accessibility, particularly in families

Currently in the first year of my PhD in Informatics, exploring the use of asymmetry to create inclusive experiences for families.
In my free time I like to explore Game Development (Mostly in Unity or Godot) having participated in several Game Jams.
You can check my CV here.

What I do

My degree made me comfortable with a diverse kit of programming languages. Ranging from Java to Prolog to OCaml

  • Code
    (I mean, look at my degree)
  • Develop Videogames
  • Flow with Git
  • Drink much coffee

What I'm Currently Doing

Doctorate in Informatics
Currently enrolled in the Doctorate in Informatics in the area of Inclusive Gaming program at Faculdade de Ciências - Universidade de Lisboa in the LASIGE lab, where I intend to explore the use of asymmetry in creating inclusive experiences for families, inspired by my thesis.

What I already did


Masters in Computer Science
Finished my Master's degree at Faculdade de Ciências de Tecnologia - Universidade Nova de Lisboa . I had contact with several Computer Sciences disciplines, some important examples being:
  • Games and Simulation
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Game Theory
  • Knowledge Representation

My MSc thesis' theme was "Asymmetric Roles in Intergenerational Games" and got a grade of 18.

Bachelors in Computer Science
I had contact with several disciplines providing a strong knowledge base for Computer Science:
  • Computer Networks
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Graphical Computation
  • Distributed Systems

Having finished the degree with the development of a project called "FlameHound" that involved several tools and frameworks.


I've been participating in Global Game Jams since 2016 after having my first contact with Game Development at the Altera Game Jam organized by Bica Studios. I've also developed the final project of my Bachelor's degree.

Screenshots of the finished game
Screenshots of the finished game


I'm currently developing a game for my thesis on Asymmetrical Roles on Intergenerational Games, aiming to understand how Asymmetrical Roles can be used to appeal to different generation groups in Games, specifically in families. Submission is predicted to be around September.

I'm inserted in the Tech & People research lab being mentored by Tiago Gerreiro, André Rodrigues and Teresa Romão. David Gonçalves is also providing excellent help as his thesis paved the way for mine.

Game dev Group logo (Website is a Work in Progress)

President of the University Game Development group

I'm responsible for managing and creating activities and resources for faculty students to learn or improve their interest in Game Development.
Ultimately, the point is to create more interest in Game Development in both students and teachers.
So far, I've given a workshop on Unity3D (which you can check here) and we're hosting a semester long Game Jam.
We also keep an active community on our Discord server.

Roboto Repairaton!!

Global Game Jam 2020 entry.
A game where players must work together through chaos and collisions to assemble the required robot.
I implemented most of the gameplay features and the chaos event system (flashing lights and fast moving conveyor belts, for example).

Made with:

Identification Doomsday

Global Game Jam 2019 entry.
A game where the player needs to find their place in society.


Bachelor final project.
In this project we had to develop a service where civilians could report fires (and their degree of severity). This project had three fronts. The server was developed in Java (with the help of Google App Engine), the browser Front-end was developed in ReactJS, we also built a mobile app for Android


Global Game Jam 2018 entry.
"The President has the Nuclear Launch Codes, and you're going to steal them! We have developed a special nanobot which can decode brain signals and *transmit* them to you, at a safe location."
In this jam we made a typing game projected on the back of the mosquito nanobot. It was my first time contacting with FMod and rendering cameras on textures.

Reis de Portugal

Games for Good 2017 entry - Third place.
My first time entering a socially responsible Game Jam. It was a good experiment, however we overscoped the game and ended up not doing much.
The idea was to develop a card game where each card is an historic person that you'd acquire after visiting historically relevant sites.


Global Game Jam 2017 entry.
"A 2D side-scroller where you only see sound. Daredevil style."
I implemented most of the gameplay in this platformer Jam entry.

No Image

Sacrifice Day

Global Game Jam 2016 entry.
My first Global Game Jam and second Game Jam. An experiment where we tried to implement a board game in Unity.

Contact Me

If you want to send me an email you can fill the form below and I'll be notified. Talk to you soon!